Premacha Game Same to Same Cast, Starting Date, Story, Schedule
- Serial Name: Premacha Game Same to Same
- Channel: Star Pravah
- Start from: 27 January 2020
- Time: Monday – Saturday 8:00 pm
- Production: Sobo Films
- Director:
Star Cast
- Sanchit Chaudhari as Digya and Arvind
- Sayali Jadhav as Padma
- Prajakta Navnale as Ranju
- Daya Eksambekar as Dhigya’s Mother
- Siddheshwar Zadbuke as as Digya’s Father
- Maithili Warang Chavan as Arvind’s Mother
- Umesh Damle as Arvind’s Father
- Laxmi Vibhute as Digya’s Friend
- Mahesh Bhosale as Digya’s Friend
- Pramod Pujari as Digya’s Friend
- Kalyani Tibhe as Digya’s Sister
- Sukhada Borkar as Padma’s Sister
- Kamal Thoke as Padma’s Grandmother
Premacha Game Same to Same Story
Premacha Game Same to Same is a Love story of twins who falls for the same girl. One brother is a doctor and another one is less educated. Now it will be very interesting to watch Premacha Game same to same serial.
Premacha Game Same to Same Serial Cast photo
Sanchit Chaudhari Sayali Jadhav Daya Eksambekar Kamal Thoke Prajakta Navnale
Tags: Premacha Game Same to Same cast, Premacha Game Same to Same cast name, Premacha Game Same to Same actors real name, Premacha Game Same to Same star cast, Premacha Game Same to Same serial cast, Premacha Game Same to Same new serial, Premacha Game Same to Same actors name, Premacha Game Same to Same